Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Obamacare The Great Debate - 1404 Words
Obamacare: The Great Debate The Obama Presidency is known for many things: two wars, economy crashes, government shutdowns and, yes, the infamous Obamacare. Throughout the last six years, President Obama’s agenda was set towards passing a major healthcare reform bill: The Patient Protection and Affordable Healthcare Act (ACA), more commonly known as Obamacare. Passed on March 23, 2010 under considerable opposition, ACA is widely considered to be the landmark achievement of Obama’s presidency, and his hopeful legacy for historians long afterward. The law has since survived multiple challenges regarding its legality, but its impact on the intended (original) goal of reducing medical costs is still unclear. Affordable healthcare for all†¦show more content†¦Its size and complexity makes it is very difficult to implement and even more difficult to understand. Even Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Speaker of the House, echoed this air of uncertainty while advocating for passage of the bill in 2010 whe n stating â€Å"But we have to pass the bill to learn what is in it.†Once the bill became law, arguments arose when discussion began on the specific details, regulations, and strategy for implementation. There are endless angles to approach this law, each with a mix of fact, bias, and prediction. Most viewpoints agree with the primary goal of Obamacare, to make healthcare affordable for everyone, but differ on the balance between the roles that government and private insurance companies should play in the solution. All the ifs, ands, or buts can cause chaos, as nothing of this size has ever been passed before. No matter the opinion or bias, it all comes down to the age-old battle over power and money. SUBSIDIES Obamacare, in its original form, was intended to function primarily at a state level. The deal was that each state would set up an online exchange where US citizens could log in to their state’s â€Å"exchange†to select a government-sanctioned healthcare insurance plan that was right as well as affordable. The Federal government raised taxes and worked Obamacare into its budget, figuring to disperse money to the states for funding of the program; this money is called a subsidy. The subsidies would be sent to the
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Guilt in Macbeth by William Shakespeare Essay examples
Everyone deals with guilt at least one time throughout their life, and several authors use guilt to help build up suspense in their story. Guilt in Macbeth not only affects his mental state of mind, but it also destroys him physically, along with a few other characters such as Lady Macbeth. The characters are affected by guilt so much, that it actually leads to their death essentially, just because they were not able to handle the consequences for the events that occurred. Despite being destroyed by guilt, they were still forced to carry on with their lives and they did have to try to hide it, even though Macbeth was not doing so well with that. His hallucinations were giving him up and eventually everyone knew the he had murdered Duncan†¦show more content†¦After the murder of Duncan, he delivers the bloody daggers to Lady Macbeth which in a way surprises her, and she ends up leaving them next to the guards, which makes it look like they were responsible for the murder of t he loyal king Duncan. Throughout the play, Lady Macbeth begins going crazy, constantly crying about the â€Å"blood†on her hands that will not come off. The blood symbolizes the guilt that she is encountering because she cannot clean her soul of what she has done, and even the doctor doesnt understand what is going on with her, they just think she is crazy. A few acts later it gets to the point where she eventually commits suicide, just because she was unable to deal with the guilt. (The Theme of Guilt). Several quotes throughout this play can help relate to the destruction that guilt causes. â€Å"Out, damned spot! Out, I say! – One: two: why, then, tis time to dot, – Hell is murky! – Fie, my lord, fie! A soldier, and afeard? What need we fear who knows it, when none can call our power to account? – Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him?†(Macbeth, act 5 scene 1). This quote is showing Lady Macbeth being e ntrapped by the guilt of the murder, which causes her to sleep walk and talk about it in a sort of dull way every night. â€Å"But screw your courage to the sticking place, And well not fail.†(Lady Macbeth, act 1 scene 7). Another quote by Lady Macbeth when she wanted Macbeth to continue onShow MoreRelatedThe Destruction of Guilt in Macbeth by William Shakespeare1168 Words  | 5 PagesDestruction of Guilt In William Shakespeares play Macbeth he uses many forms of imagery, he uses this imagery to outline major themes in the book. The imagery used in the play Macbeth makes the audience immediately captivated and helps the audience connect to the characters in the play. Two major themes will be outlined in this essay and those themes will be supported and outlined by three motifs: ambition/greed, fate and hallucinations. A profound theme throughout the book Macbeth is the underlyingRead MoreFear, Guilt, and Regret in Macbeth by William Shakespeare678 Words  | 3 PagesIn William Shakespeare’s Macbeth the reader watches as Macbeth changes gradually as the play endures. He are transforms from a loyal person with a loving and loyal disposition with other people, into a tyrants who are willing to kill in order to keep himself on the throne. He is tormented with fear, regret, and guilt. When someone does something they know is wrong it causes them to fall prey to their own emotions. After Duncan’s death you are able to see how the characters involved in the murderRead MoreGuilt in Lady Macbeth by William Shakespeare Essay544 Words  | 3 Pagescurrently take care of. It’s a lot like in the tragedy play of Macbeth. There was so much pressure to always be something more. If a right hand man of the king wasn’t good enough, then he had to be king himself. Macbeth’s pressure for greater power ultimately leads back to his wife, Lady Macbeth. What she personally wanted, more power, she pressed upon Macbeth, even though that was not his ultimate goal. Lady Macbeth used guilt, to tell Macbeth he is not man enough to murder King Duncan. Her remorsefulRead MoreThe Ultimate Downfall of Macbeth Due to Guilt 842 Words  | 3 PagesIn the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare, Macbeth’s ultimate downfall is due to the guilt he feels over everything he has done. The motif of supernatural forces, specifically the hallucinations and lack of sleep that Macbeth experiences, project the force of the guilt that eventually causes Macbeth’s destruction. Shakespeare uses the motif of supernatural forces to express how the force of the guilt Macbeth feels eventually leads to his final demolition in the play Macbeth. The recurring supernaturalRead MoreTheme Of Blood Imagery In Macbeth872 Words  | 4 Pages MACBETH’S FALL INTO EVIL Shakespeare uses imagery to show Macbeth’s fall into evil. Darkness is invariably associated with evil and to a certain extent deception. William Shakespeare employs the imagery of darkness throughout his play of Macbeth. He uses dark images often to describe instruments of disorder and the evils which characters portray. Macbeth is a tragedy that was written by Shakespeare in the Elizabethan Era. In Elizabethan England night air was said to be impure and rheumy and itRead More Shakespeares Macbeth - Creating Sympathy for Macbeth Essay example804 Words  | 4 PagesCreating Sympathy for Macbeth     The dark aura surrounding Shakespeares Macbeth is well deserved, as is the darkness shrouding its title character. Although Macbeth is certainly a villainous, evil man based solely on his actions, a fuller examination of his characters portrayal leads to a more sympathetic view of him. The play does not portray Macbeth simply as a cold-blooded murderer, but rather as a tortured soul attempting to deal with the atrocities surrounding him.  BeforeRead MoreThe Blood Motif Of Macbeth By William Shakespeare786 Words  | 4 PagesMacbeth Essay William Shakespeare dramatic play has many suitable examples of imagery, mainly the imagery of blood. The imagery of blood is very important in this play because it symbolizes guilt. Macbeth got too greedy and wanted more power, which led him to murder innocent people in order for him to keep his throne. In The Tragedy of Macbeth, William Shakespeare utilizes the blood motif to demonstrate the continuous feelings of guilt felt by Macbeth and Lady Macbeth and to distinguish the changesRead MoreEssay on Use of Blood in Shakespeares Macbeth943 Words  | 4 PagesUse of Blood in Macbeth       In the play ‘Macbeth’, Shakespeare uses brutal imagery, with association of blood. The mood of disgust and horror towards the characters and setting is established by the references to the universal representation of death and pain. The first mention of blood seems to establish a sense of honor. The second mention of blood seems to communicate betrayal. Lastly the third allusion of blood appears to establish a sense of guilt All of these images of blood helpRead MoreEssay on The Pent-up Guilt in Macbeth1720 Words  | 7 PagesThe Pent-up Guilt in Macbeth     There is hardly any emotion in William Shakespeares tragedy Macbeth that outweighs that of guilt. Both Lady Macbeth and Macbeth are seriously compromised by the impact of this emotion.  Clark and Wright in their Introduction to The Complete Works of William Shakespeare explain how guilt impacts Lady Macbeth:  Having sustained her weaker husband, her own strength gives way; and in sleep, when her will cannot control her thoughts, she is piteouslyRead MoreWomens Role in Macbeth and Antigone Essay1563 Words  | 7 Pagesroles, showing the power within women. William Shakespeare and Sophocles use guilt, pride, and influence to demonstrate the importance of the women’s role to support the main characters in both the plays of Macbeth and Antigone. In Macbeth and Antigone the authors created guilt for the women to use against the main characters for their advantage. Macbeth exploits Lady Macbeth to balance Macbeth in the play; many say that Lady Macbeth put guilt on Macbeth into killing for the throne; others disagree
Monday, December 9, 2019
Pricing Channels free essay sample
The classroom environment will be very interactive, so prepare to get involved. Students come from a variety of backgrounds with a large and diverse base of knowledge and experience. Therefore, the primary role of the professor will be to facilitate discussions that bring out pertinent issues and o better frame the analyses of these issues. Required materials Case Packet: The case packet is available through www. Study. Net. Instructions to get materials from study-net are included in the last page of this syllabus, before the course schedule.Pricing Simulation Universal Rental Car Harvard Business School: Sign up instructions will be provided to you in early October. It will cost $12. 50. There will be a practice round available from Novo. 4-9. The official round will run from Novo. 10-15. Other Readings: A number of readings for this class are available in full text (usually PDF) from Business Source Complete. For these articles, go to http:// www. It works best if you put the title of the article in quotes. If you get a yellow box that says Find it at UT, click on the box and follow the links that have full text. Other Materials: Other materials, such as study questions for case studies, grading sheets, and lecture slides are available on Blackboard. Paperless Assignments: All assignments are to be submitted electronically rather than in hard copy and no later than 5 minutes prior to the start of class. Please send them directly to Dr. Mackie through Outlook as e-mail attachments using the following file name convention on the attachments themselves: File Name Convention [Class time]_[Your Last Name and First Initial_[Assignment name] Example: 930_SmithJ_Problem Set Example: 930_SmithJ_Brief_Case name Example: 930_TeamName_RtM Assignment Grading Blind Grading: MBA-student teaching assistants do the first round of grading on many assignments. Therefore all papers in this course are blind graded. Therefore: (a) Please do not submit assignments directly to the TA; and (b) Place your name *only* in the file name of the attachment.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Tuesday, February 15, 2000 Essays - Misconduct, Academic Dishonesty
Tuesday, February 15, 2000 Focus on Ethics Can Curb Cheating, Colleges Find Behavior: Academic dishonesty is rampant, but students will respond to higher standards of integrity, a study shows. By KENNETH R. WEISS, Times Education Writer Copyright 2000 Los Angeles Times DAVIS, Calif.--Grappling for ways to halt the spread of plagiarism and other cheating in college, professors often get stuck on the idea that it's too late to change students' behavior by the time they reach college. But a growing number of campuses, backed by new research, are out to prove otherwise. Student behavior is affected by the communities we build, said Gary Pavela, the University of Maryland's director of judicial programs and student ethical conduct. Students cheat in high school in part because the think everyone else does. But students can change their ways if colleges clearly demand honesty, engage students in ethical issues and put them in charge of enforcement, said Pavela and his colleagues at such schools as UC Davis and Kansas State University, which are in the vanguard of a new movement to change the academic culture. A new large-scale study suggests they may be right. Although a startling 68% of college students admitted in an anonymous survey last fall that they engaged in some form of serious cheating, self-reported cheating was 10 percentage points lower on campuses that simply make a big fuss about academic integrity. The rates dipped even lower at colleges with formal honor codes. The survey results, which are to be released this week, are the first indication that anti-cheating campaigns are making inroads at the large public universities where many professors fear a spreading epidemic of academic dishonesty. The results directly challenge the broad view that a kid's ethical views at age 17 or 18 are set by their parents for good or ill, Pavela said. Administrators and student leaders have cribbed ideas from smaller colleges with traditional honor codes and modified them to work on large campuses. At UC Davis, the topic of academic integrity is everywhere, brought up by the students themselves. As final exams approach each term, students give their peers free cards stamped, Honesty is the only policy, and free No. 2 pencils with the inscription: Fill in your own bubble or be in trouble. Older students do skits to show incoming freshmen what can happen if they violate the code of academic conduct. Professors and their teaching assistants regularly turn in undergraduates for the smallest of infractions. In case students somehow miss the point, every Wednesday the campus newspaper's judicial report reveals all the embarrassing details--except for names--of what one sophomore calls a parade of unbelievably stupid acts of plagiarism, improper collaboration and wandering eyes. All this attention on cheating seems to make a difference. I would never want to cheat here--it's just too scary, said Tina Valenzuela, a UC Davis senior who wants to go to veterinary school. Just the fact that if you get caught, you'd read about it in the paper. At UC Davis, only 31% of students reported that they got the questions or answers from someone else who had already taken a test before they did--one of the most common forms of cheating. By comparison, on campuses that place less emphasis on academic integrity or ignore the issue altogether, 54% of students reported getting questions or answers. A skeptic might ask if students at schools with honor codes are simply less likely to admit--even anonymously--that they have violated the rules. Donald L. McCabe, the Rutgers University management professor who conducted the newest study, part of a decade of research on the subject of cheating, thinks not. Lower cheating rates at honor code schools are validated by surveys of faculty and by students who have attended both kinds of institutions, McCabe said. McCabe's latest survey, which last fall collected the responses of 2,100 students and 1,000 faculty members at 21 campuses across the country, showed that: * Nationwide, most forms of cheating remain at or near record levels. * Men admit to more cheating than women, fraternity and sorority members more than nonmembers; students with lower grade-point averages say they cheat more than those with high GPAs. * Students pursuing degrees in journalism and communications, business and engineering reported cheating more than those in the sciences, social sciences or humanities. * Only 9.7% of students reported plagiarizing a paper in
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